SECRET SAUCE * INTENSE * MONSTA * GAINZ * cardio protocol to get #jacked #ripped #beastmode #SAVAGE in ANY crew around the world
Sit on bike and drink Pre-Workout Monster Muscle, no peddling, keep a neutral spine with slow and controlled belly breathing to aid digestion.
Once down the hatch, step off bike and do 3 depth jumps to get carbs to drop lower in the stomach (you know like that high molecular weight shit). Get back on bike and Peddle 10 times to bring in more oxygen to prime the system for what’s next. NOT 9 and not 11 - it has to be #10x Get back off bike.
Flick yourself 3 times in the forehead, snap the fingers of your right hand and punch yourself in the quad (right on the tear drop). Then throw both arms in the arm and cry out to Odin that you ARE a Viking Savage. This is to elicit maximum activation for the greatest gainz EVER! #monstagainz
Now, shotgun THREE Monsters! No fucking around here! No spitting - open your throat and swallow hard. Not one drop should be lost. Every drip on your check or chin is lost gainz and your lack of being #allin. You either have what it takes or not. This is #war.
The trick here is timing, so It may require you to Monster Bong all 3 to get them down ASAP. Get that heart rate at optimal fat burning zone quickly.
At this point, pop one more Monster Muscle to get that nice intra - training effect rolling.
Don’t ride or peddle at all. Just leave the bike off so the world can absorb just how #ON you are.
Sit and jam your “gram”
Post up your lunch, some new Jordan’s you’ve got your eye on and some sunset motivational stuff for your tribe. #theonepercent
Just sit, chill and let you HR do the work. After a #hardcore 20 minutes, snag a monster rehab and hit the road! #duespaid #endzone #score #touchthefuckdown
#grind this shit to a new level. #nextlevel copyright: me, I invented this protocol and nobody can ever use it without paying me thousands assuming they get doctors approval - and they won’t.