The only thing more difficult than killing yourself in the gym is trying not to. I have spent the last couple of decades training in overdrive. Now I find myself having to hold back, it's really hard, but necessary.
I have stayed within my self imposed three weeks of training purgatory for the first two weeks, mostly. For my pull ups, I have been performing them all with a neutral grip with no issues. So of course I had to change up grips Saturday. I did underhand, overhand, and wide grip. Guess what, my shoulder bothered me more than usual the next day.
WTF is wrong with me? Why do I feel the overwhelming need to change things up? Meanwhile all I can think about is adding in dips, moving to straight bar deadlifting, and squatting with the Duffallo bar. Man am I stupid. My body is getting better, but is nowhere near 100%. The crazy thing is, with all the abuse I have put myself through over the years I still really feel like I can get my body to 100% if I focus on it.
This means I am not ordering my Duffallo bar yet. I need to get through one more week of no squats and deadlifts. Then I can add the trap bar deadlift and safety squat bar squat back in. I am also going to lower those training numbers from what they were. I will put three weeks in with that and then reassess.
The good new is, for what it is, training is going well. The physio ball rev hyper worked much better this week than the banded gm's last week. My hip and back felt great. Also, bench felt and moved better this week. I heated up the shoulder, but I don't think that had much to do with it. I did more warm up than usual. I'm actually going to go through my shoulder warm up every day this week whether I'm training or not. I'll be curious to see how it feels benching Friday.
I just have to stay the course. Why is that so damn hard?
Monday-Seated ohp w/football bar
OHP warm-up 60x5
Face pulls x25
OHP warm-up 75x5
Split Squat x15 each
OHP warm-up 95x5
Pullaparts x25
OHP Work Set 110x5
Split Squat x15 each
OHP Work Set 125x5
Pull-ups x7
OHP Work Set 145x5
Pull-ups x7
OHP 110x5
Pull-ups x7
OHP 110x5
Pull-ups x7
OHP 110x5
Barbell Shrug 155x20
OHP 110x5
Barbell shrug 155x20
OHP 110x5
Back raise x25
Time 21:03
Wednesday-Wall squat w/physio ball
Ab Rollouts x12
Ab Rollouts x12
Ab Rollouts x12
Pushups x16
Dbl row 65x12
Pushups x16
Dbl row 65x12
Pushups x16
Curls 65x12
Pushups x16
Curls 65x12
Time 17:37
Friday-Bench w/football bar and legs up
Bench warm-up 135x5
Face pulls x25
Bench warm-up 170x5
Pullaparts x25
Bench warm-up 215x5
Bench Work Set 250x5
Bench Work Set 290x5
Bench Work Set 330x5
Bench Work Set 250x8
Bench Work Set 250x8
Bench Work Set 250x8
Bench Work Set 250x8
Bench Work Set 250x8
Circuit 3x:
Split squat x15 each
Inverted row w/football bar x15
KB swing x15
Saturday-Deadlift day/Physio ball rev hyper
Rev hyper x10
Hanging leg raises x12
Rev hyper x10
Hanging leg raises x12
Rev hyper x10
Hanging leg raises x12
Rev hyper x10
Push-ups x16
Rev hyper x10
Pull-ups x7
Rev hyper x10
Push-ups x16
Rev hyper x10
Pull-ups x7
Rev hyper x10
Push-ups x18
Rev hyper x10
Pull-ups x7
Rev hyper x10
Push-ups x16
Rev hyper x10
Pull-ups x7
Time 16:22