1. Laugh no less the 12 times per day.
2. Help at least ONE person per day
3. Learn something, ANYTHING new per day
4. Always carry a knife
5. Speak the truth when ASKED a question. Be cautious of your wording
6. The only weights that count in a weight room are 25's, 45's, and Hundreds.
Yes, you use the other ones in the process of the next goal, but you don't count them.
I.E. I asked Brandon Smitley what his max bench was. He told me 425 (at the time). I looked at him quizzically and asked him to configure it on the bar.
He said, "you take a bar and put four 45's on each side and add 10 more lbs (as in dimes) to each side, making it 425.
I told him THAT is where I have an issue. His max isn't 425, it's 405 on the way TO 455. He got it right of way! Now I think his max bench is a bajillion or close to it.
Furthermore, ALL Bars REGARDLESS of their weight, weigh 45 pounds.
I don't give a goat fuck if you use the Mastodon bar and it was shipped to you weighing 67.35 pounds or a S.S. Yoke Bar that is shipped at 57.2 pounds, I count those bars as 45 pounds for logging purposes.
All collars, ANY collar used is NOT counted as they weigh ZERO.
Chains and bands weigh in at ZERO as well. You can use 495 pounds on the bar with an additional 6 chains per side and Monster Onyx Bands and you will record the weight as 495 and some chains and band in your log book.
Prowlers weigh NOTHING. We only count the weight stacked on it.
This simple method of calculating makes it easy for us to keep track where people are.
If I missed something here, you can send me a question about what something weighs, and I will tell you.
Training Today: (watch this...)
Floor Press: Begin with 3 chains per side. Work up to a heavy 3 reps, for me that was 315 (three plates per side).
Then do two more sets of TWO eccentrics with no sound when the bar touches the spotting pins.
Push ups: 200 reps
Barbell Over head press: (here it is again)
10 sets of 3 reps w/ 95 pounds and a ten and a five added to each side
Cable Lateral Raise: 3x30x20