Scott Paltos and I presented this past weekend in the DC area (northern Virginia). His buddy and training partner Mike tagged along so it was good to hang with him again as well.
Scott and I were both able to see some of our distance clients that came out for the seminars. A few I had met at a previous one this summer, but one woman I have been training over a year and finally got a chance to meet and work with her. One of Scott's distance clients is going on 2 years of working with him and they met for the first time.... quite the bromance.
We spent a good deal of time talking about programming, some of our philosophies and ideas on how we set up training... how we design weeks and how that plays into the longer term goals over a year.
We talked about solidifying goals and really honing in on what the purpose of your training is during certain times of the year. Training isn't always and can't always be linear.
Components of training, like RPE's vs percentages, deloads, volume, set/rep schemes. After lunch, we broke into nutrition talk. Macros, water, timing of nutrients and supplements.
Then we went into a few hours of coaching. Hit up some warmup stuff first, then moved into the squat, deadlift, bench and overhead press. The coaching session is always pretty valuable to the attendees as we can pick up technical flaws and weaknesses very quickly. A few minor adjustments can make a HUGE difference in someone's lifts.
Few more seminars are in the works, so keep your eyes open for some more. We are going to be digging a lot deeper into some of the topics. So if you have a host gym, or a suggestion, please let me know.
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