Source: Extended Interview with Sergeant Block of Fort Benning
I came across this video a couple months ago and have watched it now several times. This is so good I had it transcribed so I could post some of the best parts.
Here is the video...
Watch the video, after here are some of the main take ways for me in his own words.
As a private you're asked to do a lot, you're asked to learn a lot in a short amount of time, and you're asked to exceed expectations at all times. If they think you're going to do so well, you need to be thinking you're going to do better than what they think.
You learn to take on stress and take on tasks while dealing with that stress and overcome.
The thing with guys like us is that we honor our comrades everyday by putting the helmet and the kit back on and going back out and continuing the work that is asked of us, no matter what.
I wasn't too concerned really about my injuries. It was more or less how long was it going to take me to get back to where I was before.
I probably down play it more than I should, but the biggest thing with my attitude is that I've had this attitude my entire life, that nothing is going to stop me from accomplishing what I want to accomplish. I figured I still have everything, except one eye and I have low vision in my left eye, but I still have enough to where I can see. I can't drive right now, but I can run. I'm just waiting on my foot to heal.
The biggest thing is that I figured out that I have some visual scars, I got some emotional scars from it too but I got the visual scars that go with what had happened to me. When people see me doing better than them in the waiting room, for example, they want to better themselves.
So the attitude that I bring to table is that, no matter what has happened to you it can always get better. When you think it couldn't get any worse, okay. Now how do you build off what you have right now? You have X, or you have this, you need this. What do I need to do to get that? You never stop asking yourself what do you need to get to get what you want.
We will always look to improve ourselves and improve our situation as best we can with what we got. We keep trying to always build off what we have, that we use yesterday's mistakes for a better tomorrow.
- Sergeant Block
Another great Troll Post - click on it to enlarge
Just for fun