--Back from Hawaii after 5 days, was the best man in my best friend, Adam benShea's wedding. Trained very lightly bw stuff there...........we had events nightly so nutrition, sleep etc was in teh gutter.
With my elbow I still have therapy but am free to try anything with pain being the guide...........so here was day 1 back at it
Trap Bar Deadlift 8 sets of 8 reps, 30 seconds break---this maybe the hardest thing I have done in the weight room, it was absurd--do not know how I finished...........hot as all get out in the gym too
Rear Delt Machine Hypertrophy Cluster 3 minutes (do 5 reps, rest 20 seconds, 3 minutes straight)
Nautilus Pull Over 3 sets of 15
It was brutal and for the time being I will be conditioning lot--great start back. As you will see for the next couple months my workouts will be extremely unorthodox.
Checkout my client 23 year old Adam Rodriguez been beating PR's right and left, here is a 700 deficit deadlift