I’ve got a shocking video for you today explaining why you NEED an Elitefts Power Bar. It’s so you don’t die.
Now this might seem alarmist but it is not. The bar you chose to lift on must be of high quality.
It must be made of the right material.
And, it must stand up to years of use and abuse.
If it breaks during a set you might die.
Simple as that.
Now some back story.
Over the years I have purchased a ton of stuff off of a few friends who are equipment brokers. I used to get bars from them when they did gym and college closeouts a lot.
These bars might look the same to you if you aren’t familiar with a high quality bar, but they are not.
Most bars in commercial gyms are rated for about 500 pounds or less and are made of inferior materials.
Why buy them?
I did because they were cheap and we used them for beater bars. You know, for curls, landmine work, triceps and other exercise that don’t require a ton of weight. I event tell people not to use them for lifts that require a lot of weight because they suck.
The cheaper bars are usually made of mild steel with a cast inner. If you don’t know what cast steel is imagine a plumbing valve or a hex dumbbell. It is strong when used for the correct application, and much cheaper than forged. The issue is that it isn’t meant to be used for a barbell.
But, in the name of profit, some manufactures use it.

I’ll explain the Number One Reason You Need an Elitefts Power Bar
There are many reason why you need an Elitefts Power Bar, but the most important one is so you don’t die. Simple as that.
Elitefts Power Bars are made of high a very high quality forged steel and are rated for 2000 pounds. They also have 190k tensile strength.
That means that they will bend a lot without damage, and if you exceed the tensile strength rating by being a stupid asshole and dropping it on pins while doing rack pulls, or dropping a deadlift, the bar bends but doesn’t break.
Elitefts Power Bars are also Made in USA, not overseas where there is poor quality control.
Watch the SHOCKING VIDEO on The Number One Reason You Need an Elitefts Power Bar below.
Luckily for me the guy in the video is a long time friend of mine and wasn’t hurt and didn’t sue me. Not that I did anything wrong, but we all know it is a litigious society.
Mike is a Strongman competitor and was hitting some Wagon Wheel deadlifts with only 495 pounds when the bar abruptly snapped in half.
When I say he could have died, I’m not kidding. Watch the video, a few inches one way or the other and his head could have been cracked open, and eye gouged out or his femoral artery could have been cut.
Fortunately, none of those things happened and Mike was ok, he even finished his training session.
So, when choosing a bar to buy, or use in the gym, grab the Elitefts Power Bar and extend your life expectancy.
You’ll also be supporting our company and hard working Americans.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
April 21, 2022