Remember when the debate used to be, you shouldn't coach or train someone unless you've actually trained yourself?
For Example:
"You can't coach powerlifters unless you've actually competed."
"Unless you workout, you shouldn't be a personal trainer or coach."
Now we are in the age of coaches and trainers who've ... never ... had ... a ... physical ... client, lifter, or athlete they've trained in person. EVER!
Now The Debate Has Become:
"You shouldn't be able to coach powerlifters unless you've actually trained them in person."
"You shouldn't be able to train clients unless you've worked with them in person."
5 Years From Now The Debate Will Be:
"You shouldn't be able to train people with voice technology unless you used to do it with IG videos."
"If you be an online Powerlifting coach unless you have competed in an online Powerlifting Meet."
It seems to me that we are moving in the wrong direction. For those looking for trainers and coaches, here are two questions to ask that will alert you to red flags very fast.
1. Can you give me five referrals or references? The people I know who do a great job rarely advertise because the clients they have never leave and are a consistent source of referrals. They will have no problem getting you whatever you need.
2. Can you show me your liability insurance? This not only is intended to protect them, but it protects you as well (this is the same for equipment BTW).
BONUS: I have said this many times before. If they do not ask for a health history - RUN! This is a true mark of a shit trainer and one who doesn't care about you at all.
I know, I know, The Golden Rule: Be careful what you complain about as it may be you 5 years from now! Trust me, I know this better than anyone and take time every single day to remember where I come from while trying not to let the World pass me by. I don’t expect to ever change the World - but I don’t want it to change me.
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