Much like everyone else I grabbed a foam roller a number of years ago, looked up a few videos online and began rolling away. I never really took the time to figure out whether it was actually helping. I just kept doing it because I thought I was supposed to.
About the last year or so I have been paying very close attention to what makes me feel better and what doesn't. You see, I spend more time than ever now on my body, both building it up, and helping it recover. I just don't have the time for the "throw it at the wall and hope some sticks" method. What I have learned is that I actually get much more relief from dynamic stretching than I ever have from foam rolling.
Actually, I'm pretty sure I have hurt myself or at the very least, slowed down recovery time with some of my foam rolling. Even Jess just read something recently about the perils of rolling. It turns out one of the rolls in her routine was actually causing her knee pain.
Now I'm not telling you all to go and throw out your foam rollers, although it was a catchy title. What I want you to do is figure out if you are doing it properly and is it adding value to your program. Personally I have found more value in dynamic stretching than foam rolling. Who knows, maybe I need a foam rolling class.