This one is a shout out to T-Nation @testosteronenation @tcluoma and Tim Patterson. I have to go all the way back to 2000.
@elitefts was up and running, and we were posting 4-5 articles a month. The QA was on full blast. I was writing a column for PLUSA and another online site that didn’t last very long.
TC contacted me about writing for t-nation and I didn’t want to do it. I’ve always been transparent, so when he asked why, I told him my grammar and spelling wasn’t good, and while I was working on it, I had a long way to go.
I couldn’t get the thoughts out of my head fast enough, sometimes I wrote backwards, and being concise wasn’t my thing.
He told me he didn’t care if I voice recorded it, wrote it on a napkin, or just called him on the phone. He would help get me get it out.
I wrote for them for over a decade and have nothing bad to say. TC did what he said he would, and Tim gave me some of the best business advice I’ve ever gotten, twice, during some very difficult times.
It’s no mystery that I’m not a fan of the supplement industry, and they had no problem with that. They just wanted me to write my content and try their products. Most I didn’t use and some I did.
They gave me a shot when so many others turned me away. I was trying to grow my site and needed exposure and I can’t begin to count how many magazines and websites told me no, over and over.
What they all didn’t like about me, TC did.
I’ll also never forget how excited we got because this meant 1-2 articles on elitefts per month would just link up t-nation. This may seem like a bad move, but I had one guy and myself having to take every article we posted and html code it to be read online. Front page helped, but it was a LONG process that made me want to stick a pen in my forehead.
I’m not sure they know how grateful I was and am for how they helped me. I hope they do now. They transformed my writing and in a few ways how I thought about online business. They also put me in front of many eyes I would not have had exposure to. This is why @elitefts will always have outside submission
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