I'm a fairly simple man. I like taking complex things and reducing them into the simplest possible explanation.
I muse about not needing 6000 characters when 6 will suffice.
One of the guys in my crew was asked how the heck he transformed into a strong, ripped in shape guy? His response was legend. "I show up, I do the work Harry has written out and I keep my nutritional needs in check and on point."
Yup! That's it in a nutshell.
Show up. Not when it's convenient, because I surely don't believe 5:00 am to 10:00 am is very convenient for many. But show up...your desire should out weigh your excuse not to.
Do the Work. Don't pick and choose what you LIKE to do. My program is thought out on a yearly basis and it becomes customized for the NEEDS of individuals. However, when you free lance my workout, then it becomes YOUR program and I have no idea why you would become stagnant or worse...HURT!
Do the Work! You might not like what I have planned and want to do something else, but then again...I don't want to listen to you complain about the aches and pains of not only D.O.M.S. but every little nuance that overwhelms your existence either, but I do... (Rule #67)
Keep your diet in check! Eat what you crave. Eat until you are satisfied and not full. That means to slow the fuck down when you chow.
Keep your diet in check! You don't have to FILL the plate with food you glutinous swine. The portion size should be the size of your closed fist. You eat too damn much!!!
Keep your diet in check! Drink MORE water. You are dehydrated! YES YOU!!!
It isn't a new diet that you need. Eat less if you want to lose weight and shred. Eat more if you want to bulk. "But I want to lose fat and gain muscle" hahahahahaha...who the fuck doesn't?
Keep your diet in check! Do the work! Simple as that!
6 characters and not 6000.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
OHP: 30x3 @70% Done as quick as you can without technique flaw
DB Lateral Raise: 30x3 @ 10 rep weight Done as quick as you can
Negative Chins: 3x3 @ 25 lbs
Negative Dips: 3x5 @ 50 lbs
Row: 15 minutes
Bike Commute: 18 minutes