The Master said, the good person does not grieve that other people do not recognize her merits. Her only anxiety is lest she should fail to recognize theirs.
Tzu-kung asked about the truly human being. The Master said, "He who does not preach what he practices until he has practiced what he preaches."
The Master said, "A noble person takes as much trouble to discover what is right as lesser people take to discover what will pay."
The Master said, "A noble person covets the reputation of being slow in word but prompt in deed."
I love this quote and this concept of not having an ego and being focused on the good people around you are doing. If you can build up the people around you not only will that help them, it will help you and the society you belong to. Also, the idea of leading by example and walking the walk before you actually speak is something that is missed today but should be the cornerstone for growth in people and society. Way too many talking heads that have had no actual experience in practicing what they preach.
Today we have people giving out powerlifting advice who have never competed and bodybuilding advice from people who have never stepped on a stage before. This is done with zero accountability which as a strength culture should not be praised but rather looked down upon. Wouldn’t you want to take advice from someone who has gone through it and has the actual experience to guide you along the way to help you overcome the inevitable ups and downs that will come with it. How can an athlete/coach help guide you if they have never done it and how can you as an athlete even think to hire or respect someone like that, but yet you do and you nor that coach takes ownership of the cascade of events that are eventually going to happen that will lead to failure on both parts.
Be a little more mindful and assertive in who you look up to in our culture and also do your due diligence to make sure you find someone that has a proven track record as a coach and as a competitor before taking advice or hiring that person. You can usually tell who they are because their egos are through the roof and always tend to talk more about themselves rather than actually trying to help or talking about the success of their clients.
Training over the past week has been different, to say the least, I have been down in Tampa at Ben Pakulski's gym MI40 going through his 5-day Muscle Clinic. Learning some really cool stuff that I will share in an article but most importantly getting to train alongside him and his staff and getting direct feedback on execution. With that being said it was all bodybuilding training from the day we landed last Wednesday to the day we are leaving which is today May 23rd.
Heading back home today and will back on track with training and posting.