The other day I was dicking around on the interwebz and social media when I became overwhelmed by the amount of drama, bashing, and stuff that I would end of scratching my head and saying..."HUH?"
I like to post things that are either enlightening or up beat, or at least funny as my way of NOT participating with the ney saying masses. (or is that as Monty Python say...the men who say Nee"? )
So I just went ahead and posted a simple thing that I make a part of my daily habit. The first one was to drink a glass of water, like RIGHT NOW! We are all dehydrated and this will help so many things that I didn't bother to list or say why. Just go drink a glass of water...now!
In return to that post was an amazing amount of responses.
Then I thought about it a bit and realized that this is the sort of feedback I get in my gym as well. When I write a lot of stuff on the daily program board, I get a shit ton of questions asking for specifics and verifications. I tell folks...Don't think too hard. Don't complicate it! Do what it says!!!
When I write simply, people get to the tasks with vigor and then ask "Coaching" questions more about technique and not reps, sets, or weight to be used.
I thought, hmmm along with my Coaching and Programming that I normally put HERE, why don't I add the One thing to simplify your day along with it?
So here it is gang, I'm going back to the first thing:
Go Drink a Glass of water NOW! We are too dehydrated and we need to be wetted down!
Go ahead and do it! I'll wait..................................................................................
........................................ there! Feel better?
Today's Training:
1 inch below the knee pin pull using a FAT grip bar or the Fat Gripz handles
Go up in small incremental weight until you can't hold the weight for SIX reps! No PRE today. Your grip will let go far before you even load the hips, hamstrings, and back.
Reverse Hyper: 3x10
Kettle Bell Swing: 3x10@44
Medium Grip Lat Pulldown: 3x10
C/S Row: 3x10
Optional: 15 minutes of conditioning. Your choice, but go harder since its only 15 minutes.
Bike Commute: 20 minutes