Considering the last book I read in college was "Curious George Goes to Washington" and I did a report on it, reading was the furthest thing from my mind. (as were and are many).
I heard that by reading JUST 15 minutes of a book per day could get your through most in about a months time. A months TIME? I'm a slow reader for sure, NO chance!
I put it to the test and low and behold, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" was finished. Hmmmmm
I must try this theory again..."Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill DONE!
Mel Siff's "Super Training" Ohhh well a bit longer but STILL...
15 minute of reading puts you about a book per month. A book per month is 12 per year. WHAAAAT? Yep, A dozen books that can influence your thinking...Critical thinking...actually THINK surely is a valuable education and a lot cheaper than Ithaca College was or is...(I have NO idea the yearly cost there now)
"I don't like to read"...is a common response I hear. Let me put it to you this way...So? Start by reading subjects you like, then the one's you have interest in, novels anything...but try to lean towards PMA...or Positive Mental Attitude books.
Give it a try and NOT on a device. A real book! You can even buy a few right here on EliteFTS. (imagine that?)
Today's Training:
Done as quickly as you can and definitely faster than 45 minutes or you are a slack ass
Chin ups: 12x2
Dips: 12x5
BB Curls: 12x3
DB Supine Tri Extension: 12x6
BB Reverse Curls: 12x4
Close Grip Bench Push ups: 12x8
Keep moving
No breaks
Get sweaty
Kick Ass
Get a pump