I've been running my strength and conditioning program out of Combat Sports Academy for maybe, around five years.
Jesse Burdick and I have had our snits, but basically we have no real issues.
We both are organizational freaks. We like things done a certain way, and that way for the most part is the same for each of us.
I'll get in an OCD mood and clean the place, organizing and categorizing. He'll get in the same OCD mood and house clean and throw out and replace stuff the next time.
Luckily it's never at the same time, and and NO time.
Anyway, it was my turn today. Normally, our pulling sleds and Prowlers are kept conveniently at the entrance. Usually they are right in front of that entrance so you trip over them coming in the morning when it's still dark. Even though he has them put away, they somehow gain ground in front and I stub my bare toe on one or two.
Here's the way they looked as I left today! We are taking wagers on how LONG they will stay this way?
Anyone else want in?
Prowler: 8x40
Box Jump: 70% of max height for 15 sets of 2 reps
GHR: 100 reps
Pull up totals=2354
Push Up totals=2681
Dip Totals-3883
Prowler Totals: 11,240 yards