According to the photo above...I'm only about 12 weeks out from The Overweight Masters class of Junior Nats...
I could use sleep and I'm a little sore from box squats, good mornings, and bench press YESTERDAY but I needed to train. I could also use some sleep, a massage, some food fed to me, and a long list of other things that aren't legal in all 50 States but I did get to wake up to what might possibly be my twin on Friday morning...
Off to the gym I go...
Snatch From Blocks
60 kg x 2 x 6 sets, 30 second rest between
70 x 1
80 x 1 (PR actually)
Clean From Blocks
50 x 3
55 x 3
60 x 3
65 x 3
70 x 3
75 x 3
85 x 1
95 x 1 but not happy with my technique
95 x 1, felt better about my technique
Squat Good Mornings
worked up to a PR Triple with 175 kg (Whatever that is in Freedom Units)
Paused Viking Squats
worked up to a paused 166/365 (my Atlas Stone in mind...)
Then I rushed out the DOOR!