I have 100 rules to live by. I wrote them down for your viewing pleasure right here...
One of my favorites is Rule #67 which states..."No Complaining"
When people start to give me an ear full and it turns into a whining session, I just remind them of Rule #67.
Try taking ownership of your issues. I'm sitting here typing this out after a morning of repeating myself. While I didn't get complaints, I got a lot of excuses.
So I might have to add an addendum to Rule #67
Don't give nor except EXCUSES!
Just get it done
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Dynamic Squat: 12x2@ +25 lbs for men; +10 lbs for women over last week
Single Leg Squat: 4x10 make sure that the knee does NOT adduct over the mid line. Keep it over the ankle
GHR: 4x12
AirDyne: 22 minutes
Bike Commute: 20 minutes