I went to the mall (yea, I know...what's a Caveman doing at the mall?) with my wife before the Super Bowl yesterday. She was needing some new sunglasses and was running low on fuel. She wanted to buy some coffee at the Starbucks that was in the middle of this mall. Let me say, I don't go to malls, I don't have a cell phone, I barely know what I'm doing, EVEN HERE! I go to the gym, I work in a gym, I go to the playing fields or Ice rinks and then to the beach. That's pretty much IT! I'm happy and that makes me nice to most people.
So here I am standing in Starbucks, WAY OUT OF MY ELEMENT, when I am told I am in the wrong line to place an order. I tell the young fella with the neatly trimmed beard and $100 haircut, "no, that's ok, I'm NOT ordering anything". He gives me a snicker and a sideways look and mumbled something I couldn't understand. I ask April if this is what the hub hub is about? You come into this overgrown donut shop, to have someone that makes a shitty hourly rate to say something sarcastic? Heck, I could have gone to Whole Foods for this kind of treatment.
Mind you, I am a very pleasant person most of the time. I will nod and smile and try to understand EVERYONE'S own type of douchebaggery. But I certainly won't put up with someone being rude and abusive to people, ESPECIALLY if I'm paying for it.
When this young man had his hands filled with TWO really full cups of coffee he needed to "flip" his hair out of his eyes, I could contain myself no longer. I bellowed out in laughter as this site was something out of the '60's and was so overly done that I thought I heard this guys 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae crack. It was just that funny to me and my laughter caused that awkward silence amongst the rest of the patrons until they too realized how ridiculous the whole "Starbuck" thing was, IS.
It's freak'n coffee. It's a muffin. It's a high price Dunkin Donut. Being a barrister or banaster, or whatever...the guy serving the coffee and taking orders is Ronald McDonald with jeans that are too tight and a hipster's overpriced haircut. The beard looks out of place too. I'm use to my friends that have facial hair having a HUGE neck to go with it and support it. Those little tiny necks crawl into existence everywhere.
I did help this fella out and told him that he really needs to focus less on being "hip" and work on his Squat and milk consumption.
I no longer have to go to the mall with my wife. I'm sure she can handle herself against these "evil badass" people in the world.
Monday's training:
Heavy Bench...REALLY heavy with those that were on my bench
Rep Bench
A side order of shoulder
Dessert was Prowler and Bike
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