There are some days that you wake up and wish you had another four hours to sleep. Other days, you feel as if you haven't even bothered GOING to sleep at all. Then again, there are the rare ones that you think...DAMN! THAT was AWESOME!!!
But, no matter what, you get up, splash some water on your grill, scrape your fangs, and get to it.
By the time you enter the gym you come to a crossroad. Is this a day you should back off? Is it time to push it? Should you just not bother?
Then you begin the warm up and you are still "iffy" about everything.
Load a plate and feel the pressure.
Load another and things start to settle.
Add another and feel the tightness and push through it.
For shits and giggles you start adding yet another and another, then realize, HELL YEA! I've got this!!! I'm going to smoke my last numbers in training and you bust another rep, another step.
You walk away from the session with bigger numbers than before, but you are still wondering..."Did I get enough sleep? " Why do I feel like garbage? and you begin again.
I killed my 1 REP Suspended Good Morning! After warming up with the GHR by doing 2 sets of 10 followed by 2 sets of 30.
I pushed the Mastodon Bar with 40 lbs MORE than I had previously.
365 actually didn't feel all that bad. 405 was an effort, but it too went up rather quickly.
Making sure I didn't just have a fluke of a day, I went on to do 100 reps of 45 degree BACK EXTENSION and finished the training with 3 sets of 15 Kettle Bell Swings using a 44 lbs Bell.