Here is my client Shae Jones, nailing 1934 Raw @ 242 at RUM, huge PR's for him--some training changes I made him with his large bench and dead increases

For Deads(more heavy full ROM singles. block pulls as main movement twice a month)

Bench--lowered volume and c=decreased frequency to once a week


As the disclaimer, I have left elbow issues that inhibit a lot of what I would ideally do.  Furthermore, I am constantly experimenting new methods on myself for the benefits of clients.  My objective to increase limit strength just a little but while getting leaner and leaner.

I have a family (wife & two kids) and more than a full time job—so my life is beyond blessed but keep that in mind when you see how I train

Weds--worked out inside the house very cold!  Did a circuit of 100 punches shadow boxing (holding 2.5 pound plates), abs (varied movements) and 15 head nods (video of head nods)


Thursday--hit various bags with high intensity for 30 minutes

Friday--box squats singles keep inching up, very off balance but strength to finish NO PROB, which was good

Occlusion Leg Ext 5 sets 20

One Armed Barbell Shrug on smith 20 reps/medium weight floor pause dbell fly x 10 reps (3 supersets)

Cable Lat Pulldowns one hand each hand-12,12,12,12

Overhead Rope Tri Ext-50,40,30,8 (failed)

Romanian Deads on Pit Shark accentuating eccentric 3 sets 6

Here is a video:

Barbell Complexes for 8 minutes  (lots of abdomonal heavy work land mines and neck work dispersed throughout)

Saturday 30 minutes of tempo runs!

Some really great sessions!!elitefts Josh Bryant farmers walk