Heavy Leg Training Friday
Step-ups 6 x 6 (1 minute break) Heavy
RDL Split Stand 3 x 3
neck Work
Started off with a lot of dynamic stretching and mobility work--really feel good since focusing on these exercises last couple months
Split STance RDL
Off Saturday
Rope Climbs 10 sec on 20 slow pace balls out 2:30
Kettlebells do 9 swings, walk 5 step ups (goal was 12 sets in 8 min beat handily)
Sprints on treadmill 15 sec rest 30 m in
Lat pulldown 10 sets of 10 30 sec break
Lots of mobility work, conditioning feels good
Here is a video of my client Rob Hall totaling 2210 Raw No Wraps 2nd best of all-time at 308 (302 BW) listen for voice over on meet strategy