Back to training 4 solid days a week. Starting each session with 15 minutes of stepmill. Adding alittle more intensity each session. Sundays I am pushing the prowler or pulling sled. This week was sled for 45mins. Main goal now is to get some muscle back that I lost during the radiation and chemo. So far, even though I am eating regular(pretty much), I only am up a few pounds. My plan is to put the weight on more solid to about 230 this time. We'll see, right now the hunger is through the roof and no matter how much I eat, I am not feeling full ever. So trying to be careful as I am a easy-get-fatty guy
8/6 Lower
Ab swing outs 5x8
REverse hypers 4x12
Goblet squats with dumbell sitting on Med ball. Worked up to 80lbx8x3
Cable pullthroughs 4x8
Leg extensions5 sec tempo both ways
Zercher banded squats off med ball 5x5
Light band assist alternating lunges 5x8 per leg
8/5 Upper 5 sec tempo each way dayx5 rep
Band pull apart
Hammer incline
Shoulder rok
Band rows
Was going to do some floor press with the 150lb xwife. Started out good but at the end of the set, I set it down to the left side and felt some oblique madness(pulled it some) and ended that there.
8/3 Lower
Hang abs 4x6
Belt squats with medium stance 8x8
Reverse hypers 4x12
Hamstring curls 8x8
Leg extension 8x20
GM seated. Wife was doing reverse band squats so jumped in to add this in. 3 platesx5x3 sets
REverse hypers to loosen up 2x15
8/1 Upper
Pulldowns 10x8
Suspension straps JM extensions 5x8
Tsunami bar press 8x10
Standing abs 6x8
Dumbell presses light 8x8
Cable side raises 4x6 per arm
7/29 Lower
Reverse hypers 3x15
Deadlifts off box sumo ,worked up to 3 platesx2x3 sets
Tsunami bar box squats 3 platex3x5 sets
Leg extension 5x20
Leg press with close and medium stance 6 setsx8 per stance each set working up each set in the weight
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