I thought I would just give you all an update of some things that have been going on around Iron Sport lately.
Firstly, we just took shipment of our brand new shiny EliteFTS belt squat machine. I just put it all together last night and it's already seeing a lot of action. I'm looking forward to trying it out myself eventually.
The second thing that's going on is that I started to notice that as the gym itself has shifted to more of a straight strength training format that I more or less my early morning crowd. In the past I have always had a 5:00am - 10:00am person on staff that was making around $10 an hour. The turnover of employees on this morning shift has always been high as well and it was hard to find good responsible people to work that shitty shift. So I finally made the executive decision to nix the morning hours and just come in at 8:00 myself and eliminate the morning employee. I'll save myself a grand a month by doing this, a grand that could be put to really good use. Like buying cool shit for the gym! I do have a few morning regulars that have been with me a long time and the simple solution was to just give them all keys to the place. I have a full surveillance camera system in place and everything that happens in here is being recorded so I do have a bit of protection.
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