"Someone once told me, always live for the little things in life.
Live for 5am sunrises and 5pm sunsets where you’ll see colors in the sky that don’t belong.
Live for road trips and bike rides with music in your ears and the wind in your hair.
Live for the days when you’re surrounded by your favorite people who make you realize that the world isn’t a cold and crappy place to be.
Live for the little things because they’ll make you realize that this is what life ’s about.
Remember, the fragility of friendship is controlled on both sides. And if we never meet again, know that it was an honor to have met you."
Today's Training:
Dead Lift: 2 rep max
Reverse Hyper: 100 reps
Back Ext.: 3x15
OHP: 5x10
DB LR: 5x10
DB FR: 5x10