Here You Go...
Some Take-Away Quotes:
I'm just... I'm just getting so pissed because of all the situations where people... trying to tell me, you can't do this, you can't do this. YOU CAN"T DO THIS!!! And that just me PISSES me off, LIKE you can't believe it! As it does, anybody who thinks back on things that they've had to go through just PISSES them off! - OR - When somebody said this OR somebody said that! This is not to undermine anybody that's actually helped. Right! But it's just so it's fucked! ... And I get so mad that I want to kill.
Then I grabbed that chalk. And then I write FU you on my heart or on my leg...on my heart because that's where it's coming from, on my leg because I can see it.
That's when I realize they didn't do this to me...
I let them!
This is in my control.
I let them tell me I couldn't do this. I let them. And I believed them. And when I believed... That one... that was on ME.
Which means I can do whatever I want to do. And this bar is not going to beat me! And then, that's where I get confidence...
... because that bar most certainly isn't going to have the same power over me .those people thought that they had!
Not now, not today, not ever fuck that!.
And that's what it is.
They didn't do this. Hell, they probably didn't even mean to do half the that they thought that they did.
I let them, I interpreted that way. I let them make me think I was stupid. I let them make me think ALL these things, and that's ON ME.
That's not them.
I'm accountable for that. Right?
And isn't that what that max effort is. Right? So if there's any reason why I still do it, it's my reminder that I'm accountable for everything that happens to me. Not you, him, the company, this person, that person society, the government, it's me. I'm accountable. So if it happens to me, it's because I let it happen to me.
So that mark is me taking accountability that this weight does not rule me. It will never rule me.
It might hurt me.
It might beat me,
but it does not rule me
That's what I need to do for me to get to that other level: take all that emotional baggage and bridge and FLIP it and say it does NOT own me.
Most people will use it (circumstances) and say, oh NO, I'm a victim.
No, no, no, no, no, no,
Nope. I'm not using it that way. Cause thisIS ME!
Had I known back then when I know now, this never would've flown!!!
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