There are so many different things that make Team EliteFTS different from other (not sure what to call it) Web sites? Organizations? Forums? E commerce?? that you probably didn't know we do or provide.
Yes, you can purchase the BEST equipment in the world for Strength and Conditioning.
Yes, you can read THOUSANDS of articles on just about every subject about Strength and Conditioning.
Yes, you can ask questions and get multiple responses.
But did you know that many coaches and athletes provide PROGRAMS for FREE that people now a days pay a LOT of money for? Most of those paid for programs are even ripped off from those of us that provide them at NO COST!
Did you know that you can HIRE trainer/coaches that are among the BEST in the world at what they do?
Did you know that you can attend lectures and seminars and TRAINING AT the facility in New London Ohio?
I'll be you didn't know that we provide a "Sponsorship" or Mentor (if you will) to every TEAM member associated with EliteFTS.
I was thinking about all of this while reading some of the "Newer" people on the site exchanges. I have a few people here that I am made available to answer ANY and ALL questions (even if it doesn't regard strength and conditioning).
What I was thinking is how good we have gotten. Yea...we not the old edgy site we use to be. But we cover MORE now! The newer people provide a refreshing way to look at some of the tried and true data.
However, I was also reading some the GREAT stuff that we "Veterans" add (STILL)
Clint Darden for example supplies my daily video needs. Here's a fella that hasn't lost a step in his intense approach to everything strength related and he does it in a not so fancy gym space. Reminds me of the scenes from the old Rocky films where the Rock is in a barn and gets the job done. Clint however doesn't only talk about his successes, but he adds to this day the meaning of his family AND his tribulations. Yea, he still has it!
C.J. Murphy STILL has sage advise that makes a lot of sense to those of us that have been in the iron game for some time. Murph's business and training recommendations are tried and true with the delivery that makes you yearn for that New England accent to be accentuated.
Training with Joey Smith??? You better be in for a Rebel Yell and a high intensity slap on the back from 3000 miles away. The big man from the South doesn't play nice with the weak or weak willed. You NEED a Joey Smith in your weight room and life.
Jo Jordan is a name that can stand alone! Dad Jokes aside, Jo puts the work in and reports about it in a manner that makes it easy to understand, even for a guy like me.
Julia Ladewski is TIMELESS! A multi strength athlete who has weathered the storms of life and STILL reports to the masses in her unique style and sassiness. That Mid Western charm helps relieve the most worrisome of days. Her smile ALWAYS can be seen through her writings and videos. Any athlete that doesn't gain from her writings and muses simply doesn't "get it" and probably will never "get it".
There are the others...the Dave Tates, and The Vinny D's, that become a staple of my daily readings, but those other names from the "old guard" STILL have a shit ton of information that I find useful in designing my Team's programs yearly, monthly, and weekly but NEVER weakly!
Do yourself a favor and read some of them. I know for me, I've become REaddicted to their stuff and a whole lot less Social ef'n Media.
Today's Training:
Warm up: Five minutes of Rowing or AirDyne
Bench Press:
4 inch pin press. Work up to a heavy 6 reps, but don't go Ape shit. Monkey shit is ok, so a PRE of about 7 or 8 will be fine.
Don't bounce the reps. Set each one down on the spotting pins and retighten to lift.
Small jumps work best
Push ups: In as few sets as possible do 100 reps without exceeding THREE sets! I did it in two sets
Incline DB Press: 30 reps @60 lbs doing no more than three sets: I did them in one
Cable Rope Pushdown: 30 reps @100 lbs no more than three sets: I did it one.
Dips: 100 reps in as few sets as possible. I used two sets
Barbell Curl: 30 reps @65 lbs. I used two sets
Preacher Curl: 30 reps @55 lbs. I used two sets
Incline Fly: 30 reps @30 lbs. Two sets to complete
Shrugs: 30 reps @365 lbs Two sets to complete
AirDyne bike: 25 minutes
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
Run: Sprints 10x50 yards @75%