Throwback Thursday – see the push from 270 to 290. When I go to cut weight this is a BIG part of it for me.
I do not eat a lot. If I was to track a normal day, right now I’d bet it’s 2800–3000 and I weigh 274.
I know to drop weight, it has to have a point that makes it interesting for me to do. Interesting to me means when it gets hard, or what you see at the low end here.
This means I can’t start with a kcal maintenance of 2800. I want it as high as I can get (5000–6000 would be great; 7000 better). I’ll spend 6–8 weeks driving kcals up to a point it’s very hard to gain weight.
Then I’ll start pulling kcals based on the weight and body fat lost each week. First week or two will be a lot, then it will settle in. Two pounds per week and I change nothing. Over two, add one cheat meal and it shouldn’t be much over 2.5 pounds. If 3–5 pounds, I f’ed up somewhere and need to be honest to see where. More than likely, kcals will be dropped.
Of course, you don’t want to have to drop kcals, but it happens, and the higher the start the better it is at the end. 3000 kcals sucks but it’s way better than 2200 plus cardio.
I’ve always had great people help me out because I will start to justify dumb shit.
Some of the ones who helped me several times and still advise me today. These are among the best of the best.
@shelbystarnes100 @troponin_nutrition
I am noting what I did, as well as many things I did in training and strength sport was NOT with health as a priority. Although I did get regular physicals (still do), medical testing beyond a normal person and blood panels 4-6x a year. Those were all to track many markers and establish baselines. I’ve had seven surgeries since Jan 2017 and all those baselines have played a huge role in recoveries and moving beyond.
I suppose I’ll always do some dumbshit but I know exactly where the edge is now - where in my past I “kinda” did.
#throwbackthursday #elitefts #powerlifting