I've been told that I have a language all my own.  People understand my synonyms, and antonyms.  I phrase things differently at times emphasizing abnormal parts to a sentence just to add a bit of "color".

Today one gal was listening to me and quipped, "Sometimes I have no idea what you are saying but I laugh anyway because whatever it is, I KNOW has to be funny" ~Jennifer Salas Johnson

That might be one of the best compliments I've heard in a while.


Today's Training:

Bike Commute: 20 minutes


5 minutes steady state

8x 20/40


Dynamic Box Squats: 15x2@50%ish  Go lighter.  Go faster. Less rest. Working in tandems always have a back under the bar ready to go!

Walking Lunge: 200 reps each leg

GHR: 3x12

Pull Ups: 8x3

C/S Row: 3x10

Twisting Med Ball Toss: 3x10


Everything is to be done with little to NO rest.

If you can talk, you're doing it wrong.

Bike Commute: 25 minutes (go figure)