Today's climate everyone is a bit pissed off at SOMETHING if nothing. Some are pissed at everything and I am beginning to see the pattern unfold right before me.
I have always used humor to defuse otherwise tense situations. So why not apply the twisted outlook before anyone can say anything?
This fella walks into my program today jovial and quite pleased with himself after missing the first tryout practice and being late today.
I hit him right between the eyes with "Gunnery Sgt. Hartman" from "Full Metal Jacket" by saying..."Holy dog shit! Look what the fuck just rolled in. Do you think I'm happy with you? Is that why you are smiling at me like you and I are best friends? Let me tell you something, you are nothing to me. You aren't my friend nor am I yours. You wasted my time Friday and yet again this morning. You'll be buying snacks and gifts for all the people you have no consideration for, your would be teammates. But I will say this, I weed out all non hackers and currently you fill the bill!"
Well...everyone around him knew it was coming because each of them had to go through it. Yes, Hazing is still alive and well...and it is GLORIOUS. The team went up to the guy to make sure he was ok. Thats what we do.
But...we all had fun...AT HIS EXPENSE.
No politics
No pandemic
No filters
What will happen next? This guy won' t be able to contain himself once he is no longer the FNG. The NEW FNG will be the focus for HIS abuse.
Attack with reckless abandon and feverish perversion! (My boys love that saying)
Today's Training:
Run: 3.1
Dead Lift: 4 Rep Max with a PRE of 8
Reverse Hyper w/ a hold at the contraction: 4x10
Single Leg Box Squat: 5x5 each leg
Single Leg RDL W/ Contralateral Arm Reach: 5x5x5 each leg
Arm Circles: 3x10x 5 lbs Indian Club
DB Rear Delt with scapular retraction emphasis: 3x10
DB Lateral Rais: 3x10x20
Bouncing KB Shrugs: 4x10x56
Bike Commute: 17 minutes w/o trying too hard