The last few days since I posted Smita's article about
"Depression" I have received many questions regarding the matter.
Questions of concern that I am now looking into and trying to find answers to help the folks asking.
Aside from the fact that I am NOT a professional and would recommend to them to seek actual counsel, I can only speak from my experiences and I want to be certain as to not fucking anyone up by giving them WRONG or inaccurate advise.
As I sat early this morning I came across a YouTube video done by Michael Cooke. A former Navy SEAL turned CEO, turned Venture Capitalist, turned Professor.
Here's a guy that was the Ultimate Warrior and ran on adrenaline most of his early life. What a rush!!! What did he do that impressed me? He kept moving towards something else.
I wrote about it yesterday, you become a BETTER YOU, plus ONE DAY every time you wake up. "you can't stand in the same river twice".
Instead of looking back at the Canceled Check and wondering what the fuck you are doing stocking shelves at Walmart, you move to the next adventure. It might not be the one you are particularly good at NOW, but because it will make you uncomfortable it most certainly will become more exciting.
Joe Paterno had said back in the 70's, "You can't stand still. You are either moving forward or backward"
Here's the link to that video. I'm not sure about copyright stuff on this one, but I think it's important to understand what moves people, in particular THIS fella, Professor Cooke https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=D2jsG1URW9I&fbclid=IwAR0K5do4bkuJvMapfbopJKms_WH_T7yZV3lN91kWW9-dzH4-Mrvrr-e5eg8 (copy and paste)
Maybe some of the depression can be alleviated by moving toward another goal.
You can't be a Navy SEAL anymore? Teach others to become SEALS
You can't run (as fast) anymore? Become a lifter
You can't lift anymore? Maybe get into physical rehabilitation?
You can't be a CEO? Become a Professor?
The world is a BIG place and there are many opportunities for adventure and making a difference in others.
Instead of focusing on yourself, GET A BIGGER DREAM!!!
Today's Training Tier I and II
Run: 4 miles
Dead Lift: 20x1x315
Pull ups: 50 reps
Chin Ups: 50 reps
Dips: 200 reps