This installment of the Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log covers Monsterette, Kristin Johnson, who is currently the #3 ranked RAW bencher in the 181LB division on PowerliftingWatch’s 2015 rankings.
Kristin’s 275LB RAW bench breaks the current National APF women’s open RAW bench press record. It also would break the WPC World RAW bench press record by 9 kilos, however, you cannot break a world record at a state level meet. (Future goals, no doubt).
Kristin’s training was featured in our February 19th, 2015 coaching log titled, “The Rote Nature Of A Training Session. Here is the link to that log: https://www.elitefts.com/coaching-logs/the-rote-nature-of-a-training-session-video-included/
Photo: TOP 50 All Time American Bencher, Mike Strom (left), MGG Owner, Eric Maroscher (center), #3 ranked RAW bencher, Kristin Johnson (right) at the Monster Garage Gym.
Kristin, like our the two other Monsterettes Dawn (215LB bench press at 143LBS bdw RAW) and Crystal (500LB deadlift at 194 LBS bdw RAW) is another example of how perfect technique combined with a non-complex yet well planned and executed training program can produce world class lifts and Top 5 rankings.
In an upcoming log we are going to post Kristin’s entire meet training log right here so you can see what a big results producing training cycle looks like.
The APF IL State Powerlifting Championships (in which Kristin went full power) was just this past weekend and there is a load of footage and information we are going to share from the meet via our coaching logs. Until we put that all together for you, above is the video of Kristin’s 275LB RAW bench press at 178LBS bdw.
We hope you find this coaching log of value to you. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher. Owner: Monster Garage Gym.
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher coaching log by:
Eric Maroscher, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion. Columnist, Elitefts. Team Elitefts Member. Owner, Monster Garage Gym.
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