Log day to start off waking up my son and wife and getting my son from school, running home to cook, eat, and get him back to soccer practice and then rushing to the gym. Standard plan today...build towards Strongman Training, don't get hurt, continue to follow THE PROGRAM!
Box Squat, SS Yoke Bar
242 + Onyx Heavy bands + Onyx Light Bands x 2 x 5 sets
332 + bands x 2 x 2
Add Belt
422 + bands x 1
512 + bands x 1, 1 inch lower box, PR
Chain Suspended GM's, SS Yoke Bar, Bands
242 + Onyx Heavy and Light Bands x 2 x 2
332 + bands x 2 x 2
412 x 1 conventional, x 1 wide, PR
Speed Deads
342 + 70 chains x 1 x 5 sets
342 + 140 chains x 1 5 sets
Speed Bench
+ doubled monster mini bands
121 + bands + 120 Weight Releasers x 1 x 5 sets
121 + bands x 3 x 5 sets
211 + bands x 1
255 + bands x 1
299 + bands x 1, PR?
Log Press
132 lb log + 70 lbs chains x 3 x 5 sets
Adjust chains x 3 reps