4 way Neck: 1x25x5.0
Suspended Knee Ups: 4x15; C/S Row: 4x8x85 ;Rope Tricep Push down: 4x12x110;DB Curl: 4x8x25 as a Giant Set
Stability Ball "Praying Mantis": 4x10; Hurricane Bar Pull Downs: 4x8x150; BB Crls: 4x8x75; Swiss Bar Skull Crusher: 4x12x95 as a Giant Set
Lat "finisher": 4x8x70; Over Head Cable Tricep Extension: 4x12x110; Hammer Crl: 4x8x30
Back Ext: 4x8;Reverse Crl: 4x8x85;Dips: 4x25
All of the blocks were done as a giant set. Moving from one exercise to the next without pause.
Back;Bi;Tri;Spine Stabilizers.