My son's sports schedule has dictated my Saturday OR Sunday Squat/Dead Lift sessions.
When we are outta season, we have a regularly scheduled practice, but in season I don't like to commit because we all have some place else to be.
RIGHT!!! (no question mark)
Last week and this week, I get a wild hair, (or wild Har?) and pop out of bed and tell April to "TEXT the gang, I'm feel'n DANGEROUS!"
She groggily turns to me and says.."Come back to bed, I'm having a nightmare."
I laugh..."Ha ha" then I stand over her with my hands on my hips and STARE at her until she is uncomfortable with the DI treatment.
She begins to Text..."He's up and moving. Squat in 20 minutes if you want to join"
Like the Minute Men of old...20 minutes notification and fighting the enemy in 21.
We squat, therefore we are!
Dynamic Squats: 10x2x50% and three sets of chains per side
Deficit Dead Lift: 10x1x50% on a two inch pad.