I've known OF Brian King for nearly 20 years and we had connections more than 10 years ago. We messaged back and forth nearly 2 years ago and have stayed in touch ever since but we had never met before.
So if you know Brian King from The Internet then you know he is often right in the middle of controversy! I really wasn't for sure what to expect when he showed up...but man I haven't stopped smiling or laughing since he got here! It has been a while since I've spent so much time with anyone as crazy as I actually am.
warm ups
700 x 2, Recent PR
warm ups
225 x 3 x 2 sets
275 x 2 x 3 sets
315 x 3
Add Sling Shot
315 x 3
365 x 1
405 x 1, PR
Add Maddog Sling Shot (black one)
455 x ...not yet
Finished off with some light accessory work but mentally I was fried!