That crazy Brian King guy is STILL hanging around me...even when I don't shower for days on end! I'm starting to think that he is just hanging out to try and steal some of my special beard secrets to sell. He might also be an undercover agent for The Buffet Association of America and he is trying to convert me from eating quality healthy foods into The American Diet again! The jury is out still...but we train!
500 x 3 x 2 sets
600 x 4, PR I guess
185 x 6
225 x 3 x 3, right pec is hurting
275 x 2, pec hurting more
315 x unrack and back into the rack...AND DONE!
After a lot of hot cream and discussion, I can't squeeze my lat or tricep and my pec isn't relaxing which doesn't make for a good recipe of success. I can live to press a different day.
We did get to see Daniel hit some bench PRs as well as Brian taking off on his bench press with a 620 x 2 and 1 off of a 2 board on his bench...WITH A BROKEN RIB! Rumor has it that he broke his rib while defending wild boar from their prey in South America, but I'm not 100% sure on that. We did all have to get malaria shots just to train with him...whatever that means. He also showed signs of the start of a beard...I'm just saying...
The boys polished off the day with some Tandem Deadlifts!
We spent the next day "resting" at the city pool.