Many know that I share my Gym space with Jesse Burdick. Over the years we have pretty much stayed out of each others way. He has his program, and I have mine. Somehow...it WORKS! Although we have the same end game, and product...we differ in our implementation.
I respect him, and he respects me. Yea, we have had our moments, but they pass just as quickly as they ensue.
What I admire most about him, is his constant pursuit of quality information. Already well informed, he will spare no end to gaining more knowledge.
So when I told him we had a "Transient" living in the office, he was quite concerned. In California, Transients is a synonym for "Homeless" people.
I spoke of how intrinsic the network was and how BEAUTIFULLY the Transient set up "shop" in the office space.
I even gave this gal a proper name to be referred to. "Wanda".
As Steve Irwin would have said..."Isn't she a BEAUTY?"
There is NOTHING quite like seeing a well built SUPER strong fella move with such speed and grace! We are now looking for an Industrial Cleaning Crew! Ahahahahahahaha
Today we did what I refer to as the Karl Sellan Dynamic Squat routine.
One day while training the Arizona Sundog Hockey Club, Karl came over to my garage gym early in the morning.
He asked..."Hey H, what's on tap for today?"
I told him we needed to Squat at a high rate of speed.
We began...one set led to another with the only rest being the two reps and the other guy setting up.
We used the same weight, and had the bar height set the same. (although he had to actually do another 1/2 rep because he is much taller than me)
After what seemed like 10 sets...I asked, "Karl, how many was that?"
He said..."22 sets coach"
I pulled the plug and told him..."we're ok, let's throw in a few GHR's and call it a day" Not to look like I hadn't planned it.
So we did the "Karl Sellan Dynamic Squat" today.
22 sets x 2 reps @ 50% of a 1 rep max
GHR: 4x25 reps
Captain of Crush Grippers: 5x10 with the one you can CLOSE.
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