Getting around in California is a timing thing. You need to be finished with all your chores before the nuts come out.
We hold our squat/dead lift training EARLY on Saturdays before the gym get's loaded with the folks who are taking the intro FREE Xfit classes.
We also do our grocery shopping at the warehouse centers before the workers with the kiosks get set up and all the freeloaders have breakfast and lunch while at....(we use CostCo)
Since we are experiencing our first "heat wave" of the summer, and my Bernese Mountain Dog attends the training session, I stayed in the EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle while April and Hunter did the shop so that I could keep my pooch cool with all the windows open.
It was from here, that I reconned the area, and took note of how many FAT people where shopping there. Granted, I have a skewed vision of the world, working in a gym, but the FAT epidemic is severe. THIS is MECCA for the Obese. So like honey is to bees and flys to poop...Warehouse shopping is to the Obese.
BUT...as IF the load on limbs and heart isn't enough, not ONE person that I viewed actually stood up straight with good posture other than my own wife and son. The forward head and the upper cross syndrome is also at epidemic level. No wonder we have lower back issues. No one stood up straight with the ears pulled back over their shoulders, shoulders over the hips, hips over the knees. No...they were in a permanent position of the text read.
If anyone wants to start a new and lucrative business of fixing JUST postures, give me a call. We surely could become Billionaires.
Squat: Using the NEW Military Spec SSB Yoke Bar (it really is that nice)
Work up to a heavy 5 reps. But not a oh my F'n God 5 rep heavy.
Add 10 lbs and do Two more sets of 5.
I had 405+ ish
Dead Lift Vs. Bands...No not like AC/DC or Zeppelin...Stretch bands
30% of max then start adding tension
Once you get to a tough against the top part of the pull, hammer out 6 sets of 1
Fixing postures? Yessss!!!
This is an issue in many diverse populations. I've noticed it is very prevalent dealing with statuesque young women; volleyball, softball, basketball players, etc. Many girls usually don't want to be tall so they spent much of their time slouching, as to not draw attention to themselves. If one walks around trying to be small, they will inevitably feel small. This will often manifest itself in unhealthy posture, arrested development, faulty motor patterns and even diminished self worth; essentially the antithetical goals of strength training.
Stand up tall, chin up, throw those shoulders back, and make your ancestors proud!
Keep fighting the good fight!
In Strength,