Do you want to squat and deadlift better? If you said yes, I’m going to show you how to Squat and Deadlift Better with these 5 Simple Drills that are simple to do and effective AF.
How many times have you gotten up from your desk or out of your vehicle and felt stiff or sore on the way to the gym and had it affect your training?
If you are over 40 I bet it is a lot.
If you are under 40, maybe it is only a few times, but it will catch up to you. A little pre-training mobility work that takes less than 10 minutes will help you Squat and Deadlift Better quickly. And if you are younger, there is a good chance that it performing these drills regularly will prolong your injury free training career.
I’ve chosen the 5 drills that will apply to most people from the countless Acumobility exercises that you can do to improve your mobility as they relate to the Squat and Deadlift.
Sure, there are others, but these are your “go to” ones.
Acumobility balls are a very uniquely designed mobility/recovery tools that were designed by a good friend of mine, Brad Cox, who is a soft tissue genius. Bonus: they are made right here in the good ole USA.
A word on using the balls, you need to find an area that is uncomfortable to be on. If you place the ball in a spot that has no pain response, you are in the wrong spot. Move it a bit until you find a tender spot, and then work on that area.
Another important point is to only apply as much pressure as you can tolerate without clenching up your muscles! They work better if you can relax through the ranges of motion required by each drill.
And the last point, before you apply pressure to the ball and begin movement, take a deep breath in through the nose low into the belly and then apply pressure while exhaling through the movement. Once you have exhaled, repeat the process for 5-10 movements in each spot.

And now, the videos on how to the Squat and Deadlift Better with these 5 Simple Drills in no particular order:
Quad Release
IT Band
Lower Back
Add these in and watch your performance increase in just one training session!
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
April 28, 2022