I just woke up and felt bad. I was in a bad mood and wanted to just train alone. I got to the gym, sat and drank some extra fluids, listened to some good tunes, closed the doors and cranked the music and got under the bar. Nothing felt right...
And then people started showing up. My wife forgot to tell me she was going to train and invite her friends to train as well. This might not bother most people but those that know GYM CLINT knows that this drives me insane. I know, I know...
add onyx heavy bands
every single rep hurt and felt bad, bar rolled up or down, slid, etc... I never got fixed even once
426 x 1
516 x 1
606 x 1
Since my right arm went numb on the 426 set and stayed that way for about 30 minutes...I shut things down.
Bench Press
215 + 70 lbs chains x 3 x 4 sets
215 + 125 chains x 2 x 3 sets
215 + 180 chains x 2 x 2
175 kg x 2 x 3 sets
215 kg x 2 x 2 sets