Even new lifters have heard the cue "chest up." When I was starting, I really found that cue infuriating, because no matter how hard I tried, I just didn't get it. Whenever I tried to keep my chest up, I'd just end up hyperextending my spine and shooting my ass back.
Other lifters might struggle with the cue "rib cage down," and end up in the exact same (suboptimal) position.
The secret to understanding the cues: realize that they're describing two entirely different things.
This is a really quick video that I put together for an athlete that I coach one-on-one. I've since referred to it so many times that I think it's worth putting out there for everyone to see:
Again, to recap:
- "Rib cage down" refers to using your abs to pull your shoulders over your hips.
- "Chest up" refers to maintaining an upright torso.
You need BOTH for a proper squat (and usually deadlift, too).