Who: Absolutely me, partially
What: Powerlifting Training
When: Sunday November 1, 2015
Where: The House of Biceps
Why: Because I really wanted to use 90% of my Training Max on Squats x 3 and hit depth, play with the OBB Power Handles on Bench Press, and put my METAL Deadlift Suit on!
How: This is where it gets interesting...
I can say that I sat at home for a long LONG time just trying to get out the doors to my gym. The nausea is back. The upset stomachs and spinning rooms is back. I tried to eat my plate of rice and chicken for over an hour at the kitchen table while telling my son every 90 seconds "eat your food". Finally I got in my car and drove to the gym. Then I sat in my car 10 minutes before I could get out from the nausea I get from driving myself. Then I spent 1 hour in the gym just trying to get through some nausea before I could train...
...But I did...
warm ups
459 x 2
549 x 2
639 x 3
...watched the video and depth was questionable so...
639 x 3
Bench Press
215 x 5
+ 70 chain x 3 x 4 sets, paused
145 lbs, OBB Handles (watch the video)
x 6 x 3 sets...death to my chest and triceps
Deadlifts (my arm was hurting)
raw warm ups to 195 kg
Added Suit (just wanted it on)
225/495 x 2
250/551 x 2, Recent PR
Finished off with ABS and GHRs