I will have to say that I showed up at the gym pretty excited. Anytime I get so squat or do anything MAX EFFORT I am going to be excited. Top this off that I was planning to use lots of band tension and I was rocking and ready to go! I FREAKING LOVE BANDS!
SS Yoke Bar Box Squats
TWO Front Loaded Light Bands
worked up to 308 raw, PR
Add Briefs
x 2 x 2
Add Onyx Light Bands x 2 x 2
Change to Onyx Avg Bands x 2 x 2
Add Onyx Lights x 2 x 2, PR
...even went "low box" on the last set (low for me)
I've been working on Atlas Stones against every bit of intelligence that I have. I'm not supposed to be cut under any condition. I have a tiny scratch on my middle finger on my left hand from playing with my dog and it hasn't gone away in over 1 month. So if I get cut (on stones) it won't heal and is really subject to infection from the chemo.
On top of that, from the chemo I have a good deal of pain through my upper legs and my upper arms (feels like inside the bones) so I know that my tendons are not the strongest.
But Anyway...
Atlas Stones
190 lbs to 56 inches
285 lbs to 56 inches, didn't feel "right"
"Went Mental" then...
365 x a crazy easy cradle and then felt my bicep POP on the load...dropped it
Went straight to cold sprays, ice, and compression.
And then I have to go without any pain medication because it will dig into my liver from the chemo.
It hurts. Proximal Bicep Sprain/Tear.
I began rehab the next morning.