My wife is 6 weeks out from Weightlifting European Championships and starting to turn a corner!
The plan is still high volume on the squats with a few adjustments. Nothing major but I've been a little mentally burned out and I can tell that I'm headed down the path of having some sickness issues. I'm continuing to inject myself with B-Vitamins non-stop, folic acid, vitamins, etc...but I have a pain creeping back into my bones where the chemo is eating away at me. Soon I'm going to need an adjusted rest.
BUT...I'm learning my volume curve. Push the volume, adjust it down a little while increasing intensity, then pull the volume and watch the PRs fall! What I need to determine is how short and how long each of those blocks need to be and how far I can push each of them before I stop getting any returns. I'm close to having my curves figured out and that is HUGE! A program that I can repeat long term and make non-stop progress.
SS Yoke Bar Box Squats
Add Onyx Heavy Bands
242 x 5
+ 70 chains x 4
+ 55 chains x 3 x 2 sets
+ 55 chains x 3 x 2 sets
+ monster mini bands x 2 x 4 sets (lowering box each set)
x 5
x 4
x 3 x 2 sets
x 2 x 4 sets
(started at 30/66 and worked up to 40/88) Slow progress with my arm
140 kg x 4
165 x 3 x 2 sets
205/452 x 2 x 4 sets with Waylon...
Finished with some Plate/Stone Loading