This was a deload week with the exception of bench. I did not deload on bench because Karsten has a meet coming up in Sept and I wanted to stay with him on track. No, I will not be competing. I only used band work for assistance to give the upper body some more of a break.
I got under the Duffalo bar for squats. It was really cool. It's the first time in two decades I have used anything other than a safety squat bar to squat with. I also used the straight bar for some sumo deadlifts. Everything was just deload numbers, but it was a nice change of pace.
There was a lot of conditioning and recovery work done, but I did not write it down. I actually just printed out new journal pages with space for writing that stuff so I don't forget it. I know I did kb tabata, prowler pushes, suitcase carries, and treadmill work. I even went out and ran a mile on the track Sunday.
Plenty of recovery was done as well foam rolling and stretching almost daily. I also got a deep tissue massage. That's all I got for you today.
-Ohp 135 5x5
-Dips 5x5
-Pullups 5x5
-KB curls 5x5
-Squats w/Duffalo bar 235 5x5
-Ab wheel 5x5
-Back raise 5x5
-Bench 245x5, 285x5, 320x10
-Band pullaparts 3x20
-Band pushdowns 3x20
-Band facepulls 3x20
-Trap bar deadlift 225 5x5
-Ab wheel rollouts 5x5
-Bulgarian split squats 5x5
-Back raises 25 5x5