There has been quite a response to the article Smita Nalluri wrote and I posted about "Depression" among young people and specifically young athletes. The feedback has been tremendous and the questions I have answered since have been no easy task either since each person's emotional state is overwhelmingly personal.
I was working with Eddie Abasolo today and the discussion turned toward this exact subject.
For those that don't know, Eddie is a World Muy Thai Champion and also a wonderful Coach/Teacher in his own right. Eddie and were sharing experiences with "what do you do after...."
He was explaining his situation to me and how after his first time winning the World Title, after the post fight party, after the weekend of surreal dreams, it all of a sudden was Monday morning and he was back to "stack'n hot dogs" at Walmart. The pageantry was over. The War had been won, and now the dullness of everyday life was in full sail deflating "ho-hum".
I, in part...told him to take it a step further. One day, you will have to hang up the gloves. Your best LIFT will be behind you, as in my own personal case. The BEST you have is already HAD! What then?
What do you do when MORTALITY becomes more and more in focus?
I gave him (and myself again) my two part answer. The preventative and the cure.
As a preventative, I use my own son as an example.
I heard Hunter answer another person's question about "who he is". His answer was that he was a "hockey player". Well, ok, until I realized this exact situation will surface again one day. I brought my son to the side and told him that I would prefer him to identify himself as "His mother and father's son. A good friend to many. A attentive listener and a fine student that enjoys all sports but prefers hockey over the rest". Why? Because ONE DAY he will have to hang up the skates and on that day, he doesn't cease to exist. He doesn't give up his ID because he hasn't identified as a....
So the conversation continued, "yea..so what do you do if you have identified yourself as the sport or hobby you participated?"
I pondered this for a lot since the posting the other day of Smita' article and I think the answer is in "Compartmentalizing".
Each day we evolve. Each day we become a new person based on the previous day's lessons. Each day you get to define yourself or Redefine yourself.
I don't bring up things that I did 10 years ago as the person I am today. I USE the person I was 10 years ago to be a BETTER person today.
Granted, I am not as fast, not as strong as I was 10 years ago, but I am stronger as a 61 year old can be.
Do you hear that? I am NOT the same person. I am a NEW person who isn't 51 years old or 41, or 18. I was 61 years old yesterday and today I am 61 years old and ONE motherfucking DAY! A new person. I need to use what I've learned to be a new and better person tomorrow.
Can I compete with the younger version? Sure! I am going to give him the run of his life. What about other people that are "still in the game"?
YES! I'm going to compete against THEM and I'm going to give them everything I have with who I am NOW! What's that saying??? Youth and energy can't beat Age and tenacity? Maybe, but it's sure fun doing it no matter what the outcome.
Then the question came up, "when do you know it's time to call it?"
You can't ever really know (and I hope to never find out) but there are some things I consider, knowing what I know now.
1. HEALTH- This is paramount. Without your health you have no strength, conditioning, speed, brains, and sexiness. Your quest is and should always be...Health first! If you are going to do something that jeopardizes your health, then you are an idiot! To know and not to do, is not to know!!!
2. Strength: Make what is weak, STRONG! I'm not pin pointing the physical here either. If you are weak in your daily living, fix it! Get yourself organized. Find lost items and put them back where they belong, off load the clutter you've accumulated over the past 5 years, 10 years..all time?
3. Conditioning: Discipline over motivation....Speed and mobility: Always be a PREDATOR. I've discussed the virtues of being "Dangerous" when asked "how are you?" Being disciplined to do the shit you are tired of doing but you know you must do. Motivation comes and goes, but if you are disciplined then everything is always going to be addressed and completed!
Everyday EVOLVE! The only reason to look back is to use the experience to spring forward to a new YOU!
Depression is real. It will kill you if you don't compartmentalize the life you are living.
"Yesterday is a cancelled check. Tomorrow is a promissory note. Today is the ONLY CASH you have"
Let's go spend some CASH!
Today's Training:
Tier I:
Run: 5K
Squat: 10x5x275. Here's the dick weight. I couldn't train with my normal crew this morning. So they lifted up to 250 as I suggested. I however getting started as they were leaving added 25 pounds more JUST TO BE A DICK!!!
Dead Lift: #4 pin pull 10x2x same weight
GHR: 50 reps
Tier II:
Walking Lunge: 200 on each leg
Abduction walk w/ hip circle bands around the knees: 200 in each direction
Bavarian Split Jump Squat: 10x5 Clear the ground by only an inch or two
Calf Raise: 100 reps
Bike w/ hip circle at the knee for 17 min.