Because our eyes are in front of our heads we tend to focus on all things forward and do most of the work out there as well.
We begin to create a certain amount of muscle tonus in the anterior part of our bodies.
Compounding the issue of poor posture, our eyes begin to fail us so we start to lean forward to see things like computer screens, T.V., and other subject matter. (Don't get me started on the downward chin of looking at mobile devices).
All of this creates a condition called "Upper Cross Syndrome". Projecting "U.C.S." out into the future we can create that lovely hump at the base of the head on the upper back called a "Dowager’s Hump"
Within a few years of that, we begin to breathe through our belly buttons with our heads secured between our pecs. (kidding)
I recommend to combat this issue is to STAND THE FUCK UP STRAIGHT!
But what is straight?
Easy, so take note:
- Pull your ears over your shoulders (back that head up and show a sexy double chin)
- Pull your shoulders over your hips
- Hips situated over your knees
- Knees over your ankle
Since it requires 300 reps to create a proper movement pattern, I suggest setting a timer on your watch for every 20 minutes. When the beeper goes off, go through that checklist!
So doing the math, Every twenty minutes means three times an hour. 100 hours we should have that posture in check roughly in 4.17 days.
Yea right... Consider that if we didn't already have a screwed-up posture.
YES, the number to correct a faulty movement pattern is 5000 hours. 5000 motherfucking hours is 208 DAYS.
Do you need another goal for 2024?
If. you start today, by August 6th you should have this issue in check.
STAND UP STRAIGHT! Put a little pride in your body and improve your posture motherfucker!!!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
GHR: 5x10
RDL: 5x8
GHR: 5x10
Reverse Hyper
"Lara" Abs: 4x10
Cycle: Commute