I care about the outcome of today. I have my favorite Presidential Candidate as well as local government officials.
I have my opinions of Propositions and Proposals.
I voted! I don't need to justify to ANYONE the reasons I chose the way I did. But I CHOSE and I will STAND BY those decisions.
I am NOT leaving the country. I live here. I am NOT going to REVOLT or RISE UP in an unorganized way if I do not agree with what happens at the end of the day.
I will get up tomorrow and go to work, and be a positive influence in as many people's lives that I can.
I will laugh the twelve times minimum I set as a family rule and I will learn something new as I have done daily for the last 50 years.
Be smart! Be convicted in your beliefs! Be an American!
Three Board Bench: 5 reps until it feels heavy. Add 10 pounds more and do TWO sets of five. 325 is a good number.
JM Press: 3 warm up sets followed by TWO work sets at a heavier weight. 95 and 135 were passing grades.
Band Pull a parts: 100 reps
Light Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 100 reps
Some kind of bar thing that you swing around your head like a baseball player warming up. In the past, Indian Clubs were the implement, but this thing was sitting around and looked like it needed swinging time.: 3x10 in each direction
SHRUGS: 4x12x445
A few curls and a bike ride home.