Today's Training:
Here it is Tuesday. Why not get after those things you said last week you were going to do on Monday, but OOPS. Missed it.
I have always been the person who follows "Fire, ready, aim" instead of those who chant..."ready, ready, ready, ready...ok I'm aiming ...ready, ready" That shit drives me crazy almost to a fault.
"Far better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission"? Yup!
We're also ending the year, and guess what???? You aren't anywhere near the goals you set last January because the "time wasn't right".
You get a hankering to do something....GO DO IT!
I say don't only do it, do it all out! Burn the entire place down while doing it. What do you have to lose? I'm with ya!!!
You have only a few weeks left to the end of this year. Let's get SOMETHING BIG done!
Run: 5K
Dynamic Bench: 8x3@60%
at that same weight do,
Rep Bench: 30 reps in as few sets as possible.
Cable Fly: 50 reps @30 lbs in as few sets as possible
OHP: 8x3@ +10 lbs over last week
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10@25
Shrug: 3x20@365
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1 set x 60-40-20 @ 36-38-18
AirDyne: 20 minutes
Foam Roll and Lax Ball SMR