To build off of my last training log https://www.elitefts.com/coaching-logs/having-a-vision/ as a coach we are tasked with the job of looking for ways to improve a lifter, this can be through mindset, technique work, or finding weaknesses and making them better. The trick is when you implement those changes a lot of time with newer lifters in the beginner to intermediate phase there will be some push back. Anyone who has lifted for a good period of time 5 years or more will understand that when changes are made to build up your weaknesses that it will feel like you are taking steps back. Why is that? It is pretty simple, it is because we are working on your weaknesses, the word weakness is in the sentence and this means you will be weaker at these movements because you are underdeveloped in those muscles or lack the ability to perform the movement correctly.
A newer lifter won't accept that, they feel like progress should be infinite and what good is it to take a step back and do exercises they feel weaker at or exercises that are too hard to perform. They would rather chase the gains train, that is until they get hurt or hit a plateau. The point here is you need to stay the course if you or your coach have identified a weakness, hammer it until it catches up and understand that this may take months on months to fix. This attention to detail of fixing weaknesses or imbalances is what will make you healthier and better lifter, don't let your ego get in the way of potential progress.
BP w/ 3 Chains per side- 185lbs for 12 sets of 3 reps
Med Ball Chest Throws- 10lbs for 12 sets of 3 reps
Cambered American Bar BP- 345lbs for 2 sets of 5 reps
Seated DB OHP- 85lbs for 11 reps and 9 reps
Seated DB Side Raises- 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Face Pulls- 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Dips- 3 sets to failure
SSB Box Squat onto Blue elitefts Pad- 325lbs x3, 355lbs x3, 375lbs x3, 395lbs x3, 425lbs x2, 445lbs x2
Deadlifts against Light Bands- 405lbs for 4 sets of 3 reps
Belt Squats Close Stance- 2 sets of 8 reps
Seated 100lbs Med Ball Good Mornings- 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Sissy Squats- 2 sets of 15 reps